
about me
Fikri P. Sofyan.. born at Jakarta on may the 19th '84. contact me at


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'Deep waters'

Is it a crime For me to be feeling this way I´m going out of my mind And there's no change from my runaway love Is it a dream (Is it a dream) That I'm throwing in the wishing well I'm losin' control Body and soul (Body and soul) Standin' here waiting for a train that may never come I saw the signs I'd read the book I should have had a second look But, boy you caught me dreamin' And there were times you'd come around And we'd agree just to be friends Tell me who was foolin' who Deep waters, I'm drownin' in Deep waters, slowly drownin' in deeper What do I say, what can I say Where words have failed me before What do I do, when I'm feeling so blue And there's no place, for me to run and hide I saw the sun inside your smile And wished for more than just a while Cause, boy you caught me dreaming A giant step into the dark We threw caution to the wind Tell me who was fooling who Oh, I saw the signs I read the book I should have had a second look 'Cos, boy you caught me dreamin' And there were times you'd come around And we'd agree just to be friends Tell me who was fooling, fooling who...(incognito)

A Rose for My Soulmate...

archiceve goes here

12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004 01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004 02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 11/01/2013 - 12/01/2013

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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Miss U Honey... (well what can I say)

Its 4.30 in the morning and soon I will be married with a doctor. It's a very long story. But lets skip whats happened on August 2008 (I will remember it anyway)

Whats happening recently was Dilla got break up and his BF went to germany (this man have forehead got blacken but I must say he was a jerk with no manner)

So days passed very fast. Someone named Umar propose my girl and 4 tsuji giri happened. But Gentleman never tells (if you know what I mean o_O). And then Dilla got married with some nice decent man. And oh, the tsuji giri.

1. Beer house that was not even my fault. what can I say? chocolate house?
2. TVRI, went to some restorant and nothing happened
3. Girls that pretty much looks Chinese but uhm no
4. IC, man she kick the seat in front of us, quite lucky they not kick us back

Anyway, I'll be married soon. Have some other serious financial stuff that was so acute, but its done now. Not sure whether to get married was the right decision now. But, this was the best possible action I should do. I mean, cmon I'll get 30 next year, unmarried, no master title, not considerably rich while some friends already holding their kids. What can I say.

posted by fikri  # 04:57
Miss U Honey... (I don't know why but this just pop up automatically when posting entry)

Well where do I start. The last Entry was from Dec 2004 tough days. Hm, lest leave the marriage stuff for the next port.

OK, whats happening after Dec 2004 was,
Things got really messy related to Financial stuff, 2005-2008 up to now was the hardest days of my life. The most notorious one was when the decision of whether I should attend a class or just sleep till the end of the day was decided by coins. if it count more than Rp 1500 then I will attend the class, but if it 's not, I will just call it a day.

And when dad taking back B2323YN, I know things just get worse. But not until the days of KP at PKU I felt so low. Clues by clues are shown and some coincidence with green sedan and mpek-mpek seller, blue panther car and stuffs that shocks me.

Just before I thought thing could not get any worse, it's getting worse. I took challenge on making a thesis about Tall Building (well it kinda messed up whether it caused by thesis or football manager) my body condition drops. Wait, lets talk about my proposal court (court? really?).
Tanjung says to me: "You got plenty of book reference, do you read all of them?"
Took 10 minutes to explain that my thesis did came from various reference. And when some Tanjung's proposal presented, my thesis advisors says "Why you got so little reference? are you lazy?" haha. that tickle my stomach.

I puke after Result Seminar and people says my eyes turn yellow. All my body hurts and boom. I miss my graduation (damn it! what do you call a sidang in english?)

Having time to fix my thesis and boom!, I graduate flawlessly. A+. Uhm, should I tell the story of the notorious Mas Mera? Probably not, I will remember it anyway.

Have a job that pays 3.5m, being a sales eng. going to KL for traing, leave the job and go to Kalimanatan. Not so much I can tell.

Leave Kalimantan, took a job at Jakarta, getting dizzy with coal price crisis and I getting Married.

posted by fikri  # 04:25

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Mother day.. God I almost forgot. ga tau knapa td pagi gw sentimentil abiz. cape. ngerjain tugas ampe ga tidur, dan paginya temen gw bilang sekarang mothers day!! Tiba-tiba pikiran gw melayang jauh kebelakang..
Gw inget suatu hari di kelas 4 SD, gw pilek, betuk, dan agak demam, tapi besoknya ujian 'n mami terus maksa gw belajar, ngerjain soal, dan ngawasin gw sampe tengah malem. Yup mom selalu ngajarin gw untuk terus belajar dalam keadaan apapun. Agak keras emang, tapi terasa manfaatnya.. thanx mom, I won't make it without you..
God I miss my mom.. and mom, I promise you,I'll do my best and went home as soon as possible..

posted by fikri  # 23:07

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Beberapa hari yag lalu, gue mimipi aneh.. abang gue tiba2 meluk guev dan ade gue.. Trus pegi sambil senyum dengan mobil Twin cam kesayangannya..

paginya gue terbangun oleh telpon mami, yang ngingetin kalo malem itu temen2 abang gue mo nyelenggarain 40 harian..
Yup, hari itu dah hari ke 40 abang gue pegi ninggalin dunia yang fana ini..

Sampe sekarang, kadang gue ngerasa dia masih ada, dan suatu hari nanti dia bakal nelpon/sms gue, sambil maki2 karena gue ga sempet nelpon2 dia dari padang..

Gue masi inget hari kepergian dia.. waktu itu subuh jam 4.30.. lampu rumah tiba2 mati, dan tiba telpon spupu gue dari R.S Dharmais yang bilang kalo abang gue mulai ngoceh yang aneh2.. Waktu itu gw tau ada yang ga beres, karena lampu rumah ga pernah mati sebelumnya.
Sampai di R.S abang gue masih kliatan Normal.. Walaupun dia bilang dia udah capek.. Dia minta smua orang untuk ikhlasin kepergianya. Gue bingung, knapa dia bilang gt. padahal dia klihatan lebih sehat dari hari2 sebelumnya..
07.00 Monitor life scope nunjukin kalo jantung dan paru-parunya normal, jadi gue dan spupu2 gue turun kekantin bentar buat sarapan..
07.15 Mami tiba2 turun dan bilangin ke gue kalo abang gue manggil2 nama gue. Gue cepet2 naek, dan waktu sampai diatas gue liat life scope abang gue dah kliatan ga normal.. dan tiba2.. sinyal jantungnya hilang, gue panik dan manggil suster. tapi dia cuma geleng2.... be continue..

posted by fikri  # 18:49

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Semua orang punya masa lalu.. semua orang buat kesalahan.. dan Tuhan, pasti punya rencana untuk semua orang..

Waktu gw nyampe Jakarta, semua suram. bahkan ikan-ikan kelihatan pucat nyabut kedatangan gw. Malem itu juga gw pergi jenguk abang gw di rumah sakit. Nyampe disana, gw dah ga bisa ngomong apa2 lagi. Dia kliatan pucat banget, kurus, napasnya ga teratur, keliatan banget kalo dia bener2 berjuang hanya untuk ngomong sepatah dua patah kata ma gw. God I'm scared.

Beberapa hari lagi mungkin abang gue akan pindah ke RS.Darmais. Gue sendiri belum tau knapa.. Atau mungkin gw terlalu takut untuk tau. Yang pasti, gue masih pengen dia hidup normal, jauh lebih lama lagi. JUST HANG ON TOUGH BRO..!! Kita belom jadi ke Bali bareng, rumah dah siap untuk satu studio lagi, mixer, sound 20.000watt, kita semua dah siap utk buat satu Festifal Besar..!! Please.. Hang on.

posted by fikri  # 14:05

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

HHHhhh.. gw ga tau harus ngomong apa lagi. Pokonya gue kesel.. bete.. betmut.. dsb. Bodo' ah. Males..

posted by fikri  # 21:16
HHHhhh.. gw ga tau harus ngomong apa lagi. Pokonya gue kesel.. bete.. betmut.. dsb. Bodo' ah. Males..

posted by fikri  # 21:16

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Puassssss....!!!! Finally,prakikun IUT gw bener2 selesai...^_^ bangga deh jadi keloompok yang gak bermasalah sama sekali..hehe untung kelompok gw kompak. But the Fun won't be long.. Gamrek dateline sill chasing me..

Bener gak sih waktu tidur manusia tu minimal 8 jam? (soalnya beberapa hari ini gue tidurnya 3 hari sekali gitu). Tapi coba deh itung2,kalo sehari itu 24 jam dan 8 itu sepertiganya, Berarti sepertiga umur kita dihabiskan dengan tidur.. GAK MAU BANGEEEEEttt...

dah ah, gue sibuk.. bubye..

posted by fikri  # 17:40

Thursday, May 27, 2004

waaaaah.. hari yang panjang. Tadinya karena gak ada kuliah gw pengen ngerjain tgs gila2an. ternyata..

Hari ini ada yg Ultah, dan traktirannya bener2 nampol..!! anjrit, tau gak, kurang lebih gw dah ngabisin 4 slice pizza ++ gitu deh. Bukannya rakus ya, tapi tu pizza kayaknya mohon2 buat dimakan gitu.. yahhh mo gimana lagi..^_^ acaranya seru juga sich, ketawa2 gak karuan. Dan berakhir dengan foto bersama..
Tapi gak sampai disitu aja. ada temen gw yang bela2in traktir gw karcis biar gw mo nonton bola gitu, yahhhh loe tau, gw paling gak bisa nolak hal2 yang dibayarin. Akhirnya gw nonton bola jg deh.. Seru juga sih, hehe soalnya gw blom pernah gitu nonton bola beneran..^_^
Dan sebelum gw nyampe rumah, giliran ni warnet yang manggil2 gw buat maen bentar... hehehe

Hhhhhh.. gw emang orang yg paling susah buat megang komitmen.. Tapi gapapa deh, lagian gw jg perlu seneng2 sekali2, beberapa minggu ini kayaknya gw sibuk bgt (gaya loe fik).. Dan gue jg seneng, siklus aneh gue perlahan memudar, dan perasaan gw dah rada enakan.. Akhirnya gw bisa bener2 senyum sekarang..^_^

by the way, HaPpY B'DaY Vi...

posted by fikri  # 19:43
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_____Fikri P. Sofyan_____